Tampa Attorney Representation Since 1978
Because human nature immediately makes most people sympathize with someone they see as a victim, juries in violent crimes trials are some of the most biased in the justice system. To make matters worse, the punishments for these crimes are some of the most strict because the government does not want to allow violent offenders to run free on the streets. Fortunately, a skilled Tampa criminal lawyer from Raymond Pines & Greg Green, Esquire can help you fight these serious accusations and prove your innocence.
Violent crime offenses can range from misdemeanors, like simple assault, to capital felonies, such as murder. In most cases, you will face some amount of incarceration, fines, probation and you could also be sentenced to community service. No matter how serious the offense you are facing, it pays to have an experienced Tampa criminal attorney to help defend you. Even if the criminal penalties you are facing are not major, you will still end up facing a lifetime of scrutiny as you apply for jobs and housing as you will now carry an offense on your criminal record.
When you decide to work with our firm, we will immediately go about evaluating your case and deciding on the right course of action based on your circumstances. If any evidence was obtained illegally, we will work to have it struck from the record. If the victim has any personal vendetta against you, your Tampa criminal lawyer will work to show his or her motives to the jury. If the evidence is circumstantial or inconclusive we will work to prove that it is not enough to convict you on. In cases where it appears to be more beneficial, we will negotiate a plea bargain with the prosecution that will minimize the sentence you serve.
If you have any questions or are ready to discuss your case with a top Tampa criminal attorney, please call us today to schedule a consultation.