Tampa Attorney Representation Since 1978
If you have been arrested and are facing criminal charges, talk to a criminal defense attorney with experience. A defense attorney with an in depth knowledge of the charges which have been thrust upon you.
If you are under investigation or if law enforcement officers want to talk with you, don’t talk to them without an experienced criminal defense attorney looking out for your best interest. Resist the natural tendency to talk no matter how strong the urge is to defend yourself to anyone who will listen, especially police officers. Don’t let yourself fall into that trap since whatever you say may have severe adverse consequences for you in the future.
Our defense attorneys posses an unwavering commitment to excellence in our profession with excellent reputations in the community. As such, we are committed to representing you zealously, we understand how upsetting it is when a person is arrested. Often the person feels their entire future is in shambles, and there is a loss of hope. The possibilities of jail, court hearings, monetary fines, and the indignity of being portrayed as a criminal can be overwhelming.
An experienced defense attorney can explain your rights, restore your sense of hope, and bring a sense of relief to you so you can be better prepared to deal with the challenges ahead. Timing is critical, hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to protect your rights.