Tampa Attorney Representation Since 1978
An allegation of a juvenile crime can have a devastating effect on your child's reputation. Many people are under the mistaken belief that Juvenile offenses are not serious and the Court system treats juvenile offenders lightly. This is simply not the case.
The advent of programs such as juvenile boot camps has significantly raised the stakes for those individuals charged with juvenile crimes. It is also possible that if the State Attorney’s Office deems the particular crime of such a serious nature they may choose to prosecute the Juvenile offender in adult Court.
It is crucial that a Juvenile case be handled with extreme care and caution by an experienced Juvenile defense lawyer. We are former prosecutors and have handled numerous Juvenile cases. Juvenile cases must be thoroughly examined to determine if it can be dismissed and be removed from your child's record. If this is the juvenile's first contact with the criminal justice system the State Attorney’s Office may offer a program designed for certain first time offenders which will ultimately result in dismissal of your child's juvenile charges. These programs are referred to as Walker Plans.
A Walker Plan is very similar to probation and these plans involve the juvenile performing community service hours, writing letters of apology and avoiding any trouble while in the program. It may also be possible to seal or expunge a juvenile case.
Our juvenile criminal defense lawyers are routinely in Juvenile court in Hillsborough and Pinellas County.
If you, your son or your daughter have been charged with a juvenile crime, contact your Tampa Criminal Defense Law Firm at 813-223-5775.